Representatives of the Apostle of New Song

André & Marella Nahr

New Song

A Journey of Faith: André and Marella's
Lifelong Mission

André and Marella Nahr have been representatives in the Netherlands for Welton and Maurina Esprit since 2020. They have viewed this task as a challenge. After all, how can they represent the apostle and his wife in an honorable way?

To be able to represent, it is necessary to know and follow the vision and mission of New Song. Furthermore, there is regular contact between the Nahr couple and the Esprit couple.

But who are Andre and Marella?  

André’s journey to faith began at the age of 20, after years of wrestling with the belief that God did not exist. His conversion was nothing short of miraculous—like it is for many. While studying at the University of Twente, André encountered the organization “Campus Crusade for Christ.” One evening, two students visited him to share the gospel. Their discussions were long and intense, but they extended an invitation for him to join a discovery group.

A year later, during a visit, he was confronted with a piercing statement: “You have rejected the love of God.” This person encouraged him to pray in earnest, saying, “Ask God: if You are real, reveal Yourself through Your Word!” It didn’t take long for André, once resistant and stubborn, to find himself humbling before the Lord.

After completing his studies, André moved to Curaçao, where he spent several years teaching math. During this time, he visited various Christian churches, still seeking. Then, during a prayer meeting held by New Song at Hofi Jonchi, something profound happened. He heard a clear call from God: “Stand here!” André obeyed and from that moment, he became an active member of the New Song community.

It was through this journey that André met Marella, an entrepreneurial and obedient woman. They have one daughter and by 2024, they will have been married for 30 years. From 2002 to 2009, André and Marella served with love and dedication as pastors for New Song in Amsterdam Zuidoost. Their time there was filled with heartfelt ministry until health challenges led them back to Curaçao, where they continue to follow God’s calling in their lives. As Psalm 23 so beautifully describes, “The Lord leads to quiet waters to find rest.” In 2018, André and Marella felt the gentle yet unmistakable guidance of God directing them to a new chapter of their journey. This time, the call was to move to the Netherlands. Trusting in God’s plan, they responded with faith and obedience. “So said, so done.”

Not long after their relocation, a significant conversation took place with Apostle Papi and his wife, Rinnah. Recognizing André and Marella’s dedication and spiritual leadership, the apostle appointed them as representatives of New Song in the Netherlands. This new role would be an extension of their lifelong commitment to serving God and His people.

In this capacity, André and Marella have taken on vital responsibilities. They ensure that the vision and mission of New Song are upheld, fostering unity and growth within the church community. As representatives, they regularly visit the ten congregations scattered across the Netherlands, providing guidance and encouragement. Their role extends beyond oversight—they offer support to pastors, stepping in when needed, and organizing events, courses, and study sessions to nurture the spiritual growth of church members. Their impact also reaches the leadership level. They mentor and guide the pastoral staff, equipping them with the tools and wisdom necessary to lead their congregations effectively. André and Marella also play a key role in the expansion of New Song, helping to build and establish new church communities. In addition, they serve on the supervisory board of both the New Song church organization and the social foundation ONS, ensuring the church’s mission remains aligned with its values.

Alongside their ministry work, André continues his professional career as a data engineer, while Marella works as a contact agent. In every aspect of their lives—whether serving the church, supporting pastors, or pursuing their careers—André and Marella remain deeply rooted in their faith, embodying a life of purpose, dedication, and unwavering trust in God’s plan.

A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.

Isaiah 42:3 KJV